Thanks to the generous support of foundations and individual donors this year, we’re committed to making most all of our 2020 Virtual Season events free. The exception is our Donors Concert, which is free for donors of $300 or more. Donations at all levels are welcome, and vital in helping us continue our important work in shaping the future of music, and bringing communities together. Make your contribution at any time!
Thank you!
$50,000 and above
$20,000 to $49,999
The Aaron Copland Fund for Music, Inc.
Monterey Peninsula Foundation
$10,000 to $19,999
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
The Nicholson Family Foundation
The Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation
The Rea Charitable Trust
up to $10,000
The Amphion Foundation
Pacific Harmony Foundation
Alice M. Ditson Fund of Columbia University
BMI Foundation, Inc.
The Alsop Family Foundation
Carolyn and Robert Levering
Mary Solari
Bette and Joseph Hirsch
Richard and Diane Klein
Jerry and Lynda Vurek-Martyn
Michael Good and JoAnn Close
Diane and Donald Cooley
Anonymous (2)
Michèle and Laurence Corash
Howard Hansen
Kathryn Lawhun and Mark Shinbrot
Paul and Sylvia Lorton
Linda and Bruce Nicholson
Janet Berry
Bud and Rebecca Colligan
Diane Craddock and David Hogye
Liza Culick and Geri Migielicz
Fran Fisher, C.P.A.
Ciara Harraher and Mike McDonnell
Judith Husted
Marlene Pitkow and Mark Kalow
Ellen Kimmel
Carole and Henry Klyce
Craig Kochersberger
Eleanor Littman and Robert Goff
Dan and Nora McFadden
Earleen Overend and Wayne Palmer
Jim and Beth Petersen
Ellen Primack and Eric Schmidt
Michel Protti and Casey Coonerty Protti
Rowland and Patricia Rebele
George and Mary Reynolds
Alan Ritch
Phyllis Rosenblum
Joan Rost
Marcia and Fred Smith
Gayle and Scott Spencer
Dee Vogel and Lin Marelick
Anonymous (2)
Camille Ahern
Joan and Joe Akers
Sandra Allen
Judith and David Anderson
Amy Anderson and George Somero
Leslie and Richard Andrews
Ginny Aragon
Mary Fran Archer
Prue Ashurst
Rolf Augustine
Laurie Bair,
in memory of Paul Sherrill
Camille and Geoff Ball,
in memory of Mary Wax
Geoff Ball,
in honor of Camille Ball
Sheila and Murray Baumgarten
Ciel Benedetto,
in memory of Sophia Garcia-Robles
Cher Bergeon and Mathew Simpson
Nancy Bertossa and Robert Van Dale
Bill and Leda Bishoff
Tom and Rita Bottoms
Frank Brau
Scott Brinkerhoff
John and Patty Brissenden
Laurel H. Brobst
Scotty Brookie and Andrew Purchin,
in memory of Madi Bacon
Holly Brown
Kathleen Brown
Owen Brown
Richard and Alison Bruce
Edmund and Carolyn Burke
Lesley Carlson
Diana Carroll,
in memory of Mark Foote
Rita Casey, PhD
Eileen Cavalier, LMFT
Angela and Richard Chandler
Daniel Chandler
Agnes Chien and Howard Nelson
Jennifer J. Choate, M.D. and David Wood
Carl Christensen and Jo Ann Novoson
Angie and Jim Christmann
Sandra Chung
Joyce Clare
William G. Clemens
Judith Aissen and James Clifford
Rena Vivien Cochlin
Sandra L. Cohen,
in memory of Len Jackel
Elena Cohen and Steve Ritz
Carolyn and Curt Coleman
Philip Collins,
in memory of Lou Harrison
Christopher Connery and Mary Elizabeth Scott
Anne Cooley Youngblood
Rita Cortez,
in memory of Mark Foote
Dale Craig
Ian Crane
Mary Crawford and Roger Chaffin
Lauren Crux
Christina Cuevas and Gilberto Reyes
Diane and Allen Cypher
Nicolette Czarrunchick
Barbara Dahlgren
John Daugherty
Dr. Jerome and Sylvia Deck
Karen DeMello
Patrick Devine
Sherrie DeWitt,
in honor of Ann Gordon; in honor of Joan Osborne; and in honor of the Cabrillo Festival Board of Directors
Carolyn Dille and Dirk Walvis
Marshall Dinowitz
Maureen and Paul Draper
Virginia Draper
Robin Drury
Stephen and Nancy Dudley,
in honor of Bette Hirsch
Lee and Emily Duffus
Allan J. Dyson and Susan C. Cooper
Sabrina Eastwood and Russell Krebs
Tom Ellison and Larry Friedman,
in honor of Ellen Primack
Roger Emanuels
Nancy Erb
Julie Esterly
Richard Fabrikant and Marty Finn
David Falconer
Stacey Falls and Stephen Schnarr
Peter Farkas
Joyce K. Feldman
Rose Filicetti,
in honor Julie James
Megan Foote,
in memory of Mark Foote
Candace Foote,
in memory of Mark Foote
Earnest Fox
Gabriela Lena Frank
Tom Fredericks and Virginia Wright
Betty Fredericks
Frank Fredericks
Cliff and Sara Friedlander
Jessica Frye,
in memory of David Ross
Frank Garcia,
in memory of George Silva
Aviva Garrett and David Doshay, Sage Doshay
Carol George,
in memory of Elsie M. Fosket
Renee Gilliland
Ann Gordon
Barbara and Mark Gordon
Margaret Gordon
Christine and Bill Green
Lois Gregson
Karen Groppi
Tod and Jacqi Gross,
in honor of Bette Hirsch
Kathy Groth
Penny Hanna
Jeanne Hansen
Don and Meg Harlor
Amy and David Harrington
Edward Hearn and Linda Arnold
Christina and Kenneth Hecht
Michael Heiter,
in honor of Jamie Barton
Melessa Hemler
Barbara Hendricks
Barbara Heroux
Galen Hilgard,
in memory of Henry Hilgard
Bette and Joseph Hirsch,
in honor of Maureen and Paul Roskoph
Dina and Tony Hoffman
John Hogle
Barbara Horscraft and Paul Burdick
Denise Hosfield
Sarah L. Howell
Ernest M. Hudson
Marie and Kent Imai
Jeffrey Ingram
Ronald and Linda Israel
Maria Itkonen
Stephen Jackel,
in memory of Leonard Jackel
Molly Jaffe
Thomas Jandric
Marilyn Jean
Mary and Robert Julyan
Marilyn and Dennis Kanemura
Rosemary Jarrett and Stephen Kalish
Coeleen Kiebert
Craig Kochersderger
Ruth and David Koffman
Daniel P. Johnson
Jean-Marc Jot
Pamela Kangas and Benjamin Post
Stephen Kessler
John and Susan Koza
Patricia Kristof Moy
Nancy Kvam
Margaret and Damon Kvamme
Kam Hung Lai
Constantine Lackides
Charles Laliberte
Frans Lanting and Chris Eckstrom
Donna Large
The Lawrence Family
Carolyn Lewis and Marilyn Radisch,
in memory of Edith Lewis Walter
Barbara Schatan and Richard Linzer
Rabbi Richard and Nancy Litvak
Faan-Hoan Liu
Andrea London
Lyndsey and Bryn Loosley
Edward K. Lorraine
Ellen Lowenstein
Scott and Judy MacClelland
Gail and Brian Macdonald
Orrin Mahoney
Stefanie and Mark Malone
Gerry Mandel
Tom Manheim and Nancy Shanfeld
Chloe Martin
Laura Martin
Rhonda Martyn and Joseph Novello
Marilyn Marzell and Patti Maxine,
in memory of Joe and Belle Marzell
Cynthia and Bill Mathews
Patrick McCabe
Robin McDuff and Leslie Karst
Dan and Nora McFadden
Betty Meissner
Carol Merrell
Jacob B. and Hila F. Michaelsen
The Lawrence Kristian Mikkelsen Trust
Dr. Lester and Martha Miller
Ann-Marie Mitroff and Norman Groner
Betty Molloy
Jennifer Moulton
James Morrison
Ellen and John Morrison,
in honor of Emily DuBois and David Egan
Sarah Moskovitz
Patricia Mullan
Kay and Stan Muther
Sue Myers
Sheila Namir,
in memory of Helene Moglen
Jane Ng
Susan Noel,
in honor of Stacy Garrop
Denise and David O’Connor
Janis O’Driscoll
Cathy and William O’Shaughnessy
Bob Odland
Guy Oliver
Fane and Corie Opperman
Joan Osborne
Fred and Judith Ostapik
Karen and John Ott
Kent Owen
Sara Parkinson
Sarah-Hope Parmeter
Gary and Marilyn Patton
Ziva Patt-Rappaport
Shelly and Larry Pearson
Deborah Kala Perkins
Carolyn Power Perlstein
Christian Perry
Tara Pesta
Pfotenhauer Wilshusen Family
Susan Pierce
Judy Pisano
Anna Plozay
Julie Porcella
Michael and Sarah Ray
Leanne Rees
Hannah Reitz
Edy Rhodes
Pamela and William Richter
Jean C. and Kay E. Rigg
Marilyn Rigler
Stephen and Barbara Ritchie
Dee Roe
Deborah and Jeff Roisman
Sue Roth
Diana Rothman
Nicholas and Ruth Royal
Lucile Ruggles
Diane Russell
Elizabeth Ryan
Erika and Dieter Scherer
Carol Schimke
Ronald and Phyllis Schmidt
Ann Schwartz
Douglas Scott
Dorian Seamster
Kathleen Shaeffer
Dr. Neal Harris Shorstein and Christopher Doane
Karen Siegel
Johnny Simmons
Kay Simon
Marjorie Simon
Deborah Simpson and Robert McKim
Charles Singer, L. Ac. and Mark Shute
Ryn Singley
Lee Slaff
Barbara Smith
James Smith
Dottie Speidel
Cherrill Spencer
Peggy and Alan Spool
Lance Sprague
Lois Springsteen and Bill Bryant
Leslie Stewart and Wes Kenney,
in memory of Roberta Bristol
Gabrielle Stocker,
in memory of Nancy Thomas
Anneliese Suter
Esther Sylvan
Renee Takesue
Patricia Talbert
Romuald Tecco
Nancy Thielmann
Yvonne Thorstenson
Michael and Lesley Tierra
Tom and Rosemary Tisch,
through the Tisch Family Fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Bobbi Todaro
Adam Torres
Julie Trahan
Merritt Tucker
Howard Unkeles
Paul Upham
Kathleen Valesano
Anina Van Alstine,
in memory of Amy Pine
Jean Vlamynck
Jerry and Lynda Vurek-Martyn,
in memory of Helen and George Vurek
Bob and Gail Walker
Barbara Wampner
Mary Jo Walker and Kevin Collins
Anne Wellner de Veer
Mary Wells,
in honor of Tom Ellison and Larry Friedman
Charlie McDowell and Linda Werner
Stephen and Patricia West
Canon Western
Marcy Whitebook
Lyn Wickham
Ronnie Lipschutz and Mary Ann Wieland
Richard Wilson
Bob and Doris Witte
Danielle and Gary Wohl
Nanlouise Wolfe and Stephen Zunes
Alison Woolpert
Janet Wusthoff
Tiffany Young
Peggy and Gary Young
Robert and Suzanne Young
Jan and Margaret Ysselstein
Robert and Antonette Zeiss
Donna Ziel
Brian Ziel
Anonymous (6)
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